
Purpose Built Solutions To Your Problems

Hi, I’m Patrick Szabo.
With a decade's worth of experience in software development and a dedicated five-year deep dive into natural language processing and AI, my career has been a testament to the power of hands-on experience.
At LexisNexis Austria, I contributed to the evolution of the Lexis 360 platform, proving how technology can become an indispensable ally in the world of legal research.
I believe in technology as a tool, not as an end in itself — a means to simplify the complex, to bring clarity to confusion, and to make the day-to-day a bit less daunting.
My approach to implementation and consulting is straightforward: Understand the human need first, then find a pragmatic solution to meet it.
Let’s get together and translate your needs into technological solutions — no jargon, just clear, straightforward guidance. Together, we’ll ensure that AI is not just another buzzword, but a practical asset in your professional toolkit.


Get In Touch!

After you submit your message, we will get back to you within 72 hours. The more details your message includes the better, but don't worry if you don't know exactly what you need yet - We're here to help!

Btw, we're based in Vienna, so you can write us in German or English.